Where does it come from? Naturally nutrient-filled soil? A Monsanto lab? A factory driven by child labour? Regardless of ethical beliefs, people want to KNOW.
This is not just about social responsibility. It has to do with a paradigm shift. People are becoming less concerned with “what” and more concerned with “how”. Call it discernment, or call it innate curiosity, brand transparency is becoming more and more relevant. In the 21st century, emphasis is placed on the individual. The struggle to not get overwhelmed by the “tribe” is real, but people are beginning to realise that no price is too high for the privilege of owning oneself and one’s own beliefs. Because of this, the consumer’s mindset is a questioning one. They do not blindly accept what is presented to them – they research, they deliberate and they investigate. The internet empowers the consumer in this way. As a result of this exponential transparency, brands cannot afford to take the risk of being inauthentic.
A brand that stands the test of time can be compared to a classic, enduring song. Why do some songs persuade stadiums full of people to wave their lighters in the air and sing along to every word with tears in their eyes? Why do other songs bore you senseless? It all comes down to the emotional connection between the lyrics, the music, and the audience. Like music, the most powerful and enduring brands are built from the heart. If people believe they share values with a company, they will stay impeccably loyal. Authenticity doesn’t get built by campaigns – the trickery will eventually be found out. True authenticity is like mojo or soul. It emanates from everything a company does.